The Type of a field refers to the category or format of data that a particular field can store or represent. It defines the nature of the information that can be input or stored within that field.
📄️ Checkbox
A Checkbox type field is used to capture a binary choice, usually indicating an on/off or true/false decision. It serves as a simple allowing users to make a binary choice and can be employed as a restrictive field. Thus, values for the restriction must be entered as either "yes" or "no" (alternatively, "1" or "0").
📄️ Date-Time Picker
A Date-Time Picker type field allows users to select a specific date and time from a calendar or input field.
📄️ Datetime Range
A Datetime Range type field enables users to define a range between two specific dates and times.
📄️ Drag Element
The Drag Element type features an icon with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing users to seamlessly add a generic element to another generic element by simply dragging and dropping it. Upon adding, the icon of the element is displayed for easy reference.
📄️ Drag Molecule
The Drag Molecule type features an icon with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing users to seamlessly add a molecule to a generic element by simply dragging and dropping it. Upon adding, the molecule image and its name is displayed for easy reference.
📄️ Drag Sample
The Drag Sample type features an icon with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing users to seamlessly add a sample to a generic element by simply dragging and dropping it. Upon adding, the sample image is displayed for easy reference.
📄️ Formula-Field
A Formula-Field type field is used to perform calculations based on specified inputs.
📄️ Input Group
An Input Group type field groups the fields together and displays them as one field.
📄️ Integer
An Integer type field is used for storing integer.
📄️ Select
A Select type field offers users a dropdown menu with a curated list of predefined options. End-users can conveniently choose from this list, which consists of custom-defined values.
📄️ System-Defined
A System-Defined type field consists of a numeric field and a corresponding unit selector. Users can enter a value in the input field while choosing from a set of predefined units in the selector.
📄️ Table
A Table type field presents structured data in a tabular format, allowing users to view, edit, and manage multiple records.
📄️ Text
A Text type field is used for entering and displaying textual information. You can use this field to enter any short, written information.
📄️ Textarea
A Textarea type field provides a larger input area for users to enter and edit multi-line textual content.
📄️ Text-Formula
A Text-Formula type field provides a dynamic text output by combining multiple Text fields from this and other layers in one display. This field type is useful when you want to display a text that is a combination of multiple Text fields.The Text fields can be separated by different separators like space, comma, etc. The default separator is a dot (.).
📄️ Upload
An Upload type field is used for uploading and storing files. A file can be uploaded via drag & drop or browsing the computer.