Download metadata and data
Reader: UserAfter the generation of the generic dataset, you can choose to retrieve the metadata in xlsx format. Additionally, there is an option for you to download both the data and metadata collectively as a zip file.
Download metadata
By clicking the download metadata icon, you can get the Metadata Excel file in xlsx format.
Metadata Excel
What is Metadata Excel?
Download metadata and data
You can download the metadata and data collectively as a zip file by clicking the download data + metadata icon. The zip file includes Metadata Excel, Data file list and Data.
Metadata Excel
Metadata Excel is a file in xlsx format that includes the metadata of the device or the system-generated data or manually entered. A Metadata Excel includes: Description and Metadata, and we also attach the measurement data from ChemSpectra.
- Description: A summary to provide a brief description of the fields in Metadata. Because the data of measurement are included as extra sheets/additional information, a mapping of the sheet name and file name is provided here for a better understanding of the file content structure.
- 'Metadata': The data of metadata is extracted from device or system via the power of ChemConverter, or manually entered. The name of this sheet comes from the ontology terms.
- 'Measurement': The measurement data from ChemSpectra.