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Chemotion LabIMotion

LabIMotion is a software that was built as a generic extension of the established Software Chemotion-ELN. LabIMotion was developed at KIT in the institute IBCS-FMS and was funded by the research data management initiative ExU-RDM at KIT.


Origin of LabIMotion ELN

The software development team at IBCS-FMS is developing with many other developers and scientists in Germany the electronic lab notebook Chemotion ELN. This development was included to the strategic projects of the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI4Chem in 2019. The functions of Chemotion ELN are specifically designed for chemistry purposes. Many requests with respect to the use of the software in other disciplines were not covered, therefore, its use was recommended for chemists only. During the last years, the direct need for ELN software in other disciplines was expressed at KIT in particular from scientists in engineering, natural sciences and materials sciences. The project LabIMotion ELN was started to offer solutions for those scientists. The development team at IBCS extended Chemotion ELN in a generic manner to allow its use by other disciplines.

The Power of LabIMotion ELN

Customized Functionality for Scientists

LabIMotion ELN extends the software Chemotion ELN systematically with respect to functions and available modules. The extension allows to use the ELN software either with or without chemistry functionality. The most important change that comes with the implementation of LabIMotion ELN is the option to design new modules which can be adapted to the needs of the scientists. The modules can be connected to each other and therefore, a clear assignment of materials and samples to processes and workflows can be gained.


Explore the Designer Guides to gain proficiency in creating templates that perfectly align with your specific applications.

Collaboration and Efficiency

LabIMotion ELN also introduces a user-friendly collaboration centre. Scientists can easily share templates between various applications and synchronize them effortlessly via the Template Hub.


Learn more about LabIMotion Hub, a platform designed to enhance resource sharing and streamline access to invaluable templates contributed by fellow researchers and professionals..

Streamlined Research Publication

The LabIMotion ELN, in addition to its extensive functionality, helps scientists access Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and streamlines the online research publication process. This support simplifies the process of publishing research results and ensures that scientists from different disciplines can efficiently share their research with the world.


Discover the features of Chemotion Repository and unlock the potential to publish your work efficiently.

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If you encounter any issues or have questions (e.g., need permission to access Designer features), feel free to reach out to us at chemotion-labimotion.

Need Help or Have Feedback?

Have questions about designing the template? Encountered any issues?

Please file an issue for us, or reach out to us directly by sending an email or using the following form:

Have a Great Idea?

For innovative feature requests, we encourage you to create a post on our Discussion board. This method provides our core team with a more accurate gauge of the features in high demand, which is superior to GitHub issues, as the latter can be more challenging to prioritize.

We kindly request that you refrain from submitting Pull Requests for new features, especially substantial ones, as there may already be ongoing work or such features may be part of our future plans. Your first step should be to initiate a conversation with us!

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