Metadata Auto Mapper
Metadata Auto Mapper extract the metadata and fill into the dataset for you
Reader: UserThe Metadata Auto Mapper automatically maps file data to the corresponding dataset template, displaying it in the predefined form.
Ensure the following prerequisites are met before proceeding:
- The corresponding dataset template exists and is active in your system.
- The file format is supported by the Metadata Auto Mapper.
LabIMotion - Generic Dataset: Metadata Auto Mapper
Let's take a look at the following examples:
NMR File
The video demonstrates how the Metadata Auto Mapper extracts the metadata from an NMR file and fills it into the dataset.
YouTube will track your interaction with them.
Generic Dataset: Metadata Auto Mapper - NMR file data extraction
BagIt format file
The video demonstrates how the Metadata Auto Mapper extracts the metadata from a BagIt format file and fills it into the dataset.