ChemConverter Profiles
Profile list
currently include in Repo
Ontology | availability | internal name | generic name & description (1) | measurement technique: device and/or software | file format | download |
Circular dichroism spectroscopy | CDS | CD MS Spectra data from txt, data: +, metadata: - LCMSsolution; ref location: KIT CN, data: +, metadata: + | LCMS | *.txt | Link | |
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) | v0.8.0+ | CV Gamry | CV data from DTA, data: +, metadata: + Gamry Interface Framework; ref location: KIT CN, data: +, metadata: + | CV: Gamry | *.dta | Link |
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) | v0.8.0+ | Nova | CV data from txt, data: +, metadata: (+) Metrohm Autolab Nova; ref location: Uni Aachen, data: +, metadata: (-) | CV: Metrohm NOVA | *.csv | Link |
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) | v0.8.0+ | CV pssession | CV data from pssession, data: +, metadata: + PalmSens PSTrace; ref location: IPB Leibniz, data: +, metadata: + | CV: PalmSens PSTrace | *.pssession | Link |
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) | DLS | DLS data from txt, data: +, metadata: - ---; ref location: ---, data: +, metadata: - | DLS | *.txt | Link | |
Mass spectrometry | MS Finnigian | Mass spectrometry from txt, data: +, metadata: - Finnigian MAT8230, ref location: ---, data: +, metadata: - | MS Finnigian MAT8230 | *.txt | Link | |
Mass spectrometry | MS xy | Mass spectrometry from general xy format, data: +, metadata: - generic data table only; ref location: Uni Aachen, data: +, metadata: - | MS | *.xy | Link | |
Material testing | Tensile Test high Temp | Tensile test data from txt, data: +, metadata: - Inspect Table 50kN; ref location: Fraunhofer IWS, data: +, metadata: - ; HighTemp | Inspect Table 50kN | *.txt | Link | |
Material testing | Tensile Test low Temp | Tensile test data from txt, data: +, metadata: - Inspect Table 50kN; ref location: Fraunhofer IWS, data: +, metadata: - ; LowTemp | Inspect Table 50kN | *.txt | Link | |
Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction | CIF | crystallographic metadata from cif, data: -, metadata: + Stoe StadiVari diffractometer; ref location: KIT CN, data: +, metadata: + | Stoe StadiVari diffractometer | *.cif | Link | |
Sorption-Desorption Measurement | AIF | (AIF) Sorption-Desorption Measurement from txt, data: +, metadata: + ---; ref location: TU Dresden, data: +, metadata: + | raw2aifv004 | *.txt | Link | |
UV-VIS | Cary60 UV-Vis | UV-VIS data from csv, data: +, metadata: - Cary 60; ref location: KIT CN, data: +, metadata: + | Agilent Cary 60 Spectrophotometer | *.csv | Link | |
UV-VIS | Horiba UV-Vis | UV-VIS data from txt, data: +, metadata: - Horiba Duetta; ref location: KIT CN, data: +, metadata: + | Horiba Duetta | *.txt | Link | |
UV-VIS | JASCO UV-Vis | UV-VIS data from txt, data: +, metadata: - JASCO V-570; ref location: KIT CN, data: +, metadata: + | JASCO Corp., V-570 | *.txt | Link | |
UV-VIS | generic UV-Vis | UV-VIS data from general txt, data: +, metadata: - generic data table only; ref location: ---, data: +, metadata: - | ??? | *.txt | Link | |
X-ray diffraction | brml | X-ray diffraction data from brml, data: +, metadata: - ???; ref location: ---, data: +, metadata: - | ??? | *.txt | Link |
(1) The generic name follows the convention that the names should give us a hind about what the profile does (marked by a +) and the description should tell us i.a. what the file could provide.
(+) In this case, the file itself does not provide Metadata but some could be calculated by the Reader.
Profile: Tensile test HighTemp
Material testing, Inspect Table 50kN; reference location: Fraunhofer IWS, with data conversion, without metadata extraction ;HighTemp
- File Format: *.txt
- Data Type: Cyclic Voltammetry
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: 2Theta, X Value: Table#0, Column#3
- Y Unit: Intensity, Y Value: Table#0, Column#4*1e6
- Profile id: c9d63af9-2ce7-425e-895c-c04b8497c26c
- Reader: CSVReader
- Download Link
Profile: Tensile test LowTemp
Material testing, Inspect Table 50kN; reference location: Fraunhofer IWS, with data conversion, without metadata extraction ;LowTemp
- File Format: *.txt
- Data Type: Cyclic Voltammetry
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: 2Theta, X Value: Table#0, Column#5
- Y Unit: Intensity, Y Value: Table#0, Column#3*1e6
- Profile id: 6d344bc4-c4fb-4306-9d56-1e754e7e0590
- Reader: CSVReader
- Download Link
Profile: Mass spectrometry from general xy format
generic data table only; ref location: Uni Aachen, with data conversion, without metadata extraction
- File Format: *.xy
- Data Type: Mass Spectrum
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: m/z, X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: Intensity, Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: 5b206281-49f6-437b-99ca-c64a621eb903
- Download Link
Profile: Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) data from txt, with data conversion, without metadata extraction
- File Format: *.txt
- Data Type: UV-VIS
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: NANOMETERS, X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: Intensity, Y Value: Table#0, Column#2
- Profile id: d9be2928-fd8e-4abe-bbe0-3e419330875f
- Download Link
Profile: Sorption-Desorption Measurement (AIF) from txt
Sorption-Desorption Measurement (AIF) from txt, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
- File Format: *.txt
- Data Type: Sorption-Desorption Measurement
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: p/p0, X Value: Table#0, Column#0 : Table#0, Column#1
- Y Unit: ml/g, Y Value: Table#0, Column#2
- Profile id: 5cb879d1-2b3f-4778-8e06-1a198500c8db
- Download Link
Profile: UV-VIS Spectrum from txt
UV VIS from txt, with data conversion, without metadata extraction
- File Format: *.txt
- Data Type: UV-VIS
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: wavelength (nm), X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: ABSORBANCE, Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: 2a913039-c48d-4fd5-9fbb-706733e53f76
- Download Link
Profile: Fluorescence Emission Spectrum from txt
Fluorescence emission spectrum from txt, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
- File Format: *.txt
- Data Type: Emissions
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: wavelength (nm), X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: Intensity, Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: cddfe1ff-ef5a-44fb-a6ba-443a870c7a27
- Download Link
Profile: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Intensity Distributions from xlsx
DLS intensity distributions from xlsx, with data conversion, without metadata extraction
- File Format: *.xlsx
- Data Type: DLS intensity
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: Hydrodynamic diameter (nm), X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: relative intensity (%), Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: e10cd71e-b44f-4493-b7ad-ca231ccd324f
- Download Link
Profile: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Autocorrelation Function (ACF) Graphs from xlsx
ACF graphs from xlsx, with data conversion, without metadata extraction
- File Format: *.xlsx
- Data Type: DLS ACF
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: Lag time (microseconds), X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: ACF (a.u.), Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: fbbe088a-b688-4609-8c00-086a149f61ba
- Download Link
Profile: Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) with one Detector Output
Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) with one Detector Output; reference location: KIT, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
Output Tables | Data Type | Data Class | X Unit | X Value | Y Unit | Y Value |
Output table 0 | Size Exclusion Chromatography | XYPOINTS | MILLILITERS | Table#6, Column#0 | ARBITRARY UNITS | Table#6, Column#2 |
Output table 1 | Size Exclusion Chromatography | XYPOINTS | G/MOL | Table#7, Column#0 | ARBITRARY UNITS | Table#7, Column#1 |
- File Format: *.txt
- Profile id: 44f5bfbb-ae1f-4da0-b43b-0d33b649c24a
- Reader: SecReader
- Download Link
Profile: Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) with two Detector Outputs
Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) with two Detector Outputs; reference location: KIT, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
Output Tables | Data Type | Data Class | X Unit | X Value | Y Unit | Y Value |
Output table 0 | Size Exclusion Chromatography | XYPOINTS | G/MOL | Table#7, Column#0 | ARBITRARY UNITS | Table#7, Column#1 |
Output table 1 | Size Exclusion Chromatography | XYPOINTS | G/MOL | Table#7, Column#0 | ARBITRARY UNITS | Table#7, Column#3 |
Output table 2 | Size Exclusion Chromatography | XYPOINTS | MILLILITERS | Table#6, Column#0 | ARBITRARY UNITS | Table#6, Column#2 |
Output table 3 | Size Exclusion Chromatography | XYPOINTS | MILLILITERS | Table#6, Column#0 | ARBITRARY UNITS | Table#6, Column#4 |
- File Format: *.txt
- Profile id: 71883827-4472-48d8-becf-64ea89324f3e
- Reader: SecReader
- Download Link
INFRARED SPECTRUM (IR); reference location: KIT, with data conversion, without metadata extraction
- File Format: *.dpt
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: 1/CM, X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: TRANSMITTANCE, Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: 0cd6596c-83d2-49ab-a982-1dfec98d16ba
- Reader: CSVReader
- Download Link
Profile: TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis) without Isothermal
TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis) without Isothermal; basic one, only the ramp; reference location: KIT, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
- File Format: *.xls
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: DEGREE CELSIUS, X Value: Table#1, Column#1
- Y Unit: Weight %, Y Value: Table#1, Column#3
- Profile id: fb63e718-3842-4d45-9b39-84a53b27e483
- Reader: OldExcelReader
- Download Link
Profile: TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis)
TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis) with Isothermal; reference location: KIT, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
Output Tables | Data Type | Data Class | X Unit | X Value | Y Unit | Y Value |
Output table 0 | THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS | XYPOINTS | DEGREE CELSIUS | Table#2, Column#1 | Weight % | Table#2, Column#3 |
Output table 1 | THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS | XYPOINTS | DEGREE CELSIUS | Table#1, Column#1 | Weight % | Table#1, Column#3 |
- File Format: *.xls
- Profile id: e7a4ee04-cdf6-4da6-a82c-ba6909af6cee
- Reader: OldExcelReader
- Download Link
Profile: TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis) with derivative
TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis) with Isothermal and Derivative; reference location: KIT, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
Output Tables | Data Type | Data Class | X Unit | X Value | Y Unit | Y Value |
Output table 0 | THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS | XYPOINTS | DEGREE CELSIUS | Table#2, Column#1 | Weight % | Table#2, Column#3 |
Output table 1 | THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS | XYPOINTS | DEGREE CELSIUS | Table#2, Column#1 | DERIVATIVE WEIGHT (%/°C) | Table#2, Column#4 |
- File Format: *.xls
- Profile id: e845bc85-07b9-4e21-8bdf-4daa4a74fa15
- Reader: OldExcelReader
- Download Link
Profile: DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) with Time
DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) with time; reference location: KIT, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
- File Format: *.csv
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: DEGREE CELSIUS, X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: W/g, Y Value: Table#0, Column#2
- Profile id: 0d04f3c5-43d4-408a-85ef-34b33975020a
- Reader: CSVReader
- Download Link
Profile: DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) without Time
DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) without time; reference location: KIT, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
- File Format: *.csv
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: DEGREE CELSIUS, X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: W/g, Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: 3e2fb90e-b6b6-4152-9182-ed8e203a58b5
- Reader: CSVReader
- Download Link
Profile: UV-VIS Spectrum from txt
UV/VIS from txt; reference location: KIT, Campus West, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
- File Format: *.txt
- Data Type: UV-VIS
- Data Class: XYPOINTS
- X Unit: %, X Value: Table#0, Column#0
- Y Unit: ABSORBANCE, Y Value: Table#0, Column#1
- Profile id: c7e3130f-6c23-432a-a886-a82d11632da2
- Reader: CSVReader
- Download Link
Profile: UV-VIS Spectrum from csv file
UV/VIS with multicolumn (4) file with no header, csv file with 4 spectra in one file; reference location: KIT, Campus South, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
Output Tables | Data Type | Data Class | X Unit | X Value | Y Unit | Y Value |
Output table 0 | UV-VIS | XYPOINTS | wavelength (nm) | Table#0, Column#0 | ABSORBANCE | Table#0, Column#1 |
Output table 1 | UV-VIS | XYPOINTS | wavelength (nm) | Table#0, Column#2 | ABSORBANCE | Table#0, Column#3 |
Output table 2 | UV-VIS | XYPOINTS | wavelength (nm) | Table#0, Column#4 | ABSORBANCE | Table#0, Column#5 |
Output table 3 | UV-VIS | XYPOINTS | wavelength (nm) | Table#0, Column#6 | ABSORBANCE | Table#0, Column#7 |
- File Format: *.csv
- Data Type: UV-VIS
- Profile id: d8e6bf8f-6de1-4743-9513-04cbd0c6c712
- Reader: CSVReader
- Download Link
Profile: UV-VIS Spectrum from XLSX file
UV VIS with multicolumn (2) XLSX file with header at the end, with data conversion, with metadata extraction
Output Tables | Data Type | Data Class | X Unit | X Value | Y Unit | Y Value |
Output table 0 | UV-VIS | XYPOINTS | wavelength (nm) | Table#0, Column#0 | ABSORBANCE | Table#0, Column#1 |
Output table 1 | UV-VIS | XYPOINTS | wavelength (nm) | Table#0, Column#2 | ABSORBANCE | Table#0, Column#3 |
- File Format: *.xlsx
- Profile id: 15400217-b730-47db-9d5c-a300bce7ae95
- Reader: ExcelReader
- Download Link