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Publication of data

To publish data (disclose data to the public), you have to select data with the selection of the reaction or the molecule the data is assigned to. Select the molecule/reaction in the area “My DB” and use the collections "My Data" or "ELN Gate".

Step 1: Select your data

Step 2: “Fly” button

Open the details panel of the reaction/molecule and press the green “fly” button. A new panel opens and allows to set an embargo, to select a license, to add (co)-authors, to add references and to select the datasets.


The system will check if all necessary information is given. If not, the system will show a "Submission Data Check Result" and the missing information will be highlighted in red.

Chemotion Repository - Submission Check Result

Step 3: Select a license and add an embargo

You can choose one of the licenses CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA or you can publish your data as public domain data "No License". Please select carefully and in accordance with the rules of your institution or group leader. Further hints can be found here.

The publication with an embargo is desired. It allows to collect data and publish data as a data bundle. If you want to publish with embargo, please check the embargo page for further details. Using the embargo is easy: just select an existing embargo from the embargo drop-down or create a new embargo bundle.

Step 4: Select datasets

Select the relevant datasets. Listed are all available datasets but the unchecked ones won’t be published.

Step 5: Add authors and literature

Please credit all additional authors and define the authors by adding their mail address.


All authors have to be registered to the repository if they should be added (please ask your co-authors to do so). Please add references via the DOI if your data belongs to an already published manuscript.

Step 6: Add group lead review

Incorporate your group leader into the workflow to allow him/her to review the submission before it is published. The addition of the group leader is strongly suggested here to ensure that the group leader can confirm that the data submission was discussed and is desired.


Please note that the group leader needs to be added as collaborator in your account settings "My Collaboration". Please see instructions here: Add your collaborators

Step 7: Submission

To finish the submission, press the blue publish button at the end of the panel. After this action, no further changes are possible until your data is reviewed and the feedback is sent back to you. If there are no further comments or requests and no embargo was set, your data will be disclosed after the reviewer’s final check.